Carnival of the Country

Location: Corsódromo Gualeguaychú, Piccini y Ayacucho
Date: From 01/06/2018 - Thru 02/24/2018

The Carnival of Gualeguaychú has become the most important in Argentina. Famous for its dancers, costumes, floats and followers, it should be enjoyed at least once in a lifetime. A real must.

(See 2018 Carnival dates and ticket rates.)

Carnival is one of the most traditional popular festivals in the history of mankind. It may have started in the pagan rituals celebrated to pay homage to Bacchus, the god of wine; in the feasts organized to honor Apis in Egypt; or the Roman Saturnalias, to commemorate the god Saturn. Some historians state that the first carnival celebrations date back to ancient Sumer, over five thousand years ago. This custom passed onto Egypt and the Roman Empire, from where it spread into all Europe and was brought to America by the Spanish and Portuguese sailors in the times of the colonies and the conquest in the XV century.

In Argentina, the Carnival of Gualeguaychú is considered one of the most important carnival parades on earth, along with the carnivals of Rio de Janeiro and Venice. This amazing artistic display has been around for over thirty years and gains more and more followers every year.

Every Saturday in January and February, the city of Gualeguaychú dresses up to present one of the most expected shows in the area, which summons thousands of enthusiasts that enjoy the brightness, the joy, the thrill and the rhythm of the comparsas parading before them at the local Corsódromo (Piccini and Ayacucho Streets).
  • Popular expression

    Popular expression

  • A fantastic setting

    A fantastic setting

  • Feel, vibrate and sing

    Feel, vibrate and sing

  • Brightness, unprecedented light and sound

    Brightness, unprecedented light and sound

  • Contagion of happiness

    Contagion of happiness

  • Mystic borders

    Mystic borders

  • Joy and renewed energy

    Joy and renewed energy

Three floats compete to win the first prize and obtain the necessary score to be part of the following Carnival issue. The assessed items include: costumes, synchronicity of choreographies and the floats. All this as well as the themes selected by the directors will make spectators vibrate and dance on the grandstands as they cheer dancers and musicians.

For decades, Carnival in our country has had its own codes and customs and for many participants it has become a philosophy. “Carnaval toda la vida, y una noche junto a vos, si no hay galope se nos para el corazón…” (Carnival for ever, and one night by your side, if there is no gallop, our heart will stop) goes the chorus of the most famous local song to honor Rey Momo (King Momo). Just attending the Carnival of Gualeguaychú once in a lifetime will prove all this is true.

2018 dates and ticket rates

    2018 Carnival in Gualeguaychú dates
  • January: Saturdays 6, 13, 20 and 27.
  • February: Saturdays 3, 10, 17 y 24 (and also Sunday 11 and Monday 12, Carnival Holidays in Argentina).
    Location: (Piccini St. and Ayacucho St.)
    Competing comparsas in 2018: , y

Fees for the Gualeguaychú 2018 Carnival tickets
Note: the fees and dates mentioned below are those known at the moment. Given that they might be subject to change, we recommend to confirm them through authorized channels before or at the moment of reservation or purchase.

    General Ticket:
  • Saturdays of January: $ 230.-
  • Saturdays, February 3, 17 y 24: $ 250.-
  • Carnival Holidays (Saturday 10, Sunday 11 and Monday 12): $ 290.-

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Jorge González

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