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A Creator Settled in Traful

Texts Mónica Pons   Photos Eduardo Epifanio

A workshop full of light due to the many large windows and also to the perfection managed by this illuminated character who came to stay in these latitudes over a decade ago.

Jorge Virasoro: woodcarving, Villa Traful
Jorge Virasoro lives very close to the civic center, but his visits to town are few and very sporadic. Everything he needs is there, in that magnificent environment; his house and his workshop seem to be his life’s leitmotiv.

Jorge has a wonderful forest in the background and a meadow overlooking Lake Traful in front of his house. His cabin has everything he needs. Nothing more. A few meters away, his spacious and well-illuminated workshop over the creek identifies him with his daily task: creation.

Wood is the tool with which he manages to be himself. His workshop contains no finished object but many materials and countless drawings, the previous step for each work.

Sharing some mate, we had a chat with him as he continued working. In the background, classical music sounded in the strings of a violin.

We heard his opinion about the Ruta de Artesanos project. Jorge confirmed he supported the initiative of some 5th year students from the local high school to develop their ideas.

In love with music, he enjoys the natural environment in the company of classical chords. He manages the best streak, infinite smoothness and natural gloss in the wood. Each element made by him is unique.
Jorge Virasoro: woodcarving, Villa Traful
Born Again

He considers himself a hermit but accepts he has friends who have always helped him. A health problem and weariness prevented him from carrying out his original activity in front of a building company in the big city.

He wished to start a new life and, while in Traful beside the fireplace, he took his penknife and began to give shape to a radal stick. As he was very skilled, several simple pieces were outlined by his hands.

Back in 1992 he took up what he does today but at his own pace. At first, he gave away his work as presents for his friends. At some moment, an exhibition of his creations gave him the chance to start selling his work.

His greatest pleasure is to do different things everyday and imagine new formats for his pieces. Thus, he plans and draws every work, every concept, before starting a new job.

Jorge chooses pieces that imply long days of work to manage some outstanding detail. That is his enticement, as he abhors routine. He is not interested in mass production at all.

In his hands, we saw what would become a backgammon box and the several pieces that would make up the game once the different kinds of wood had been assembled. Each of them would contribute their color, their particular streak and even the hinges of the box would be made of wood.
Jorge Virasoro: woodcarving, Villa Traful
He has saved secrets in his career and he certainly uses them in his creations. Trial and error are his premises. Time, art and well-stationed woods, his essential elements to fulfill his aim.

He is enthusiastic and affectionate. He loves his profession and asserts nothing is done halfway or just because or carelessly. Essentially, this is about principles and respect for a life choice.

“A computer? Yes, I have got one. It lets me store and revive all the works that I’ve had in my hands. I feel proud of them because I took long days to cut, polish and assemble the little pieces. I also store hours of music without which I would not be able to breathe”, he told us with a certain kind of energy in his words.

We let him speak at length about “carpenters” and “craftsmen” and about the sense of both professions. His finished pieces, his four children and grandchildren are part of that private collection to which only he has access.

We let this man with a Basque surname but with German and Scottish roots on his mother’s side go on working, surrounded by an unbeatable kind of nature. There is no doubt that he lives for his creations.

The deep sound of the English horn came out of his audio equipment. The aroma of the wood bade farewell to us after having shared such an unforgettable moment with an artist: Jorge Virasoro.
Jorge Virasoro: woodcarving, Villa Traful

    See also:
Hotels and accommodation in Villa Traful

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