
Lodging in Santa Rosa

Altos de Adonai

3-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Ruta 5 km 544, Lonquimay

The lodging has outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.

Unit Hotel

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Av. Pedro Luro 787

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


Apartments in Santa Rosa

Neuquen 150

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

La Holanda

Lodging at Estancias in Santa Rosa

A 112 Km. de Santa Rosa

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


Apartments in Santa Rosa

Realico 1575

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


Hotels in Santa Rosa

Av. San Martin 695

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


Apartments in Santa Rosa

Av. Ameghino 761

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

Departamentos Cervantes

Apartments in Santa Rosa

Cervantes 325

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

A Puro Campo

Lodging at Estancias in Santa Rosa

R. 152 Km. 40-Gral. Acha a 118 Km.

The lodging has outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.


Apartments in Santa Rosa

Lope de Vega 1756

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

A.C.A. - Motel Santa Rosa

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Ruta Nac. Nº 5 - Km. 606,5

The lodging has outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.

La Nueva Estancia

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Santiago Marzo 1148

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

San Martín

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Alsina 101 esq Pellegrini

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

La Campiña Club

4-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Ruta Nac. Nº 5 Km 604

The lodging has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.

Hotel Apart El Faro

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Juan B. Justo 939

The lodging has free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.

Howard Johnson Trenque Lauquen

4-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Trenque Lauquen a 167 km de Santa Rosa - Cruce R. 5 y R. 33

The lodging has indoor pool and free Wi-Fi.

Departamentos Moreno

Apartments in Santa Rosa

Moreno 156

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


3-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Ruta Nacional Nº5

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

Centro Recreativo Municipal Don Tomas

Camping Sites in Santa Rosa

Av. Roca 800


4-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Av Santiago Marzo N 25 Intersección Ruta 5 Y 35

The lodging has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.

City Hotel

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Ruta Nac. N°5

Alquiler San Jorge

Apartments in Santa Rosa

San Jorge 546

Santafe Departamentos

Apartments in Santa Rosa

Santa Fe 346

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

Hotel Bungalows

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Emilio Mitre y C. Carman

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

El Rebenque-Haras

Lodging at Estancias in Santa Rosa

Carlos Pellegrini 486 P.10 Dto.

Lihuel Calel

3-star Hotels in Santa Rosa

Av. Circunvalación 2535 y Luther King

The lodging has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.

Motel Bungalows

Hotels in Santa Rosa

Emilio Mitre y C. Carman

The lodging has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.

Torre Garibaldi

Apartments in Santa Rosa

Garibaldi 56

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

Departamento Estrada

Apartments in Santa Rosa

Estrada 1365

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.


Apartments in Santa Rosa

Ferrando 1591

The lodging has free Wi-Fi.

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