Balneario Oriente / Marisol

Balneario Oriente / Marisol Balneario Oriente / Marisol

Balneario Marisol emerges as a new tourist attraction as the summer village known as Oriente disappears slowly amidst the sand hills. It is located on the Argentinian Atlantic shore and is part of the District of Coronel Dorrego. As a result of its natural features, including the open sea and its rough waves, its urban infrastructure has evolved year after year.

The banks of the Quequén Salado River reach the coastline and makes up one of the borders of the town. Fresh and saltwater are mixed at its mouth, thus creating a suitable habitat for varied fishing. Therefore, catching good river and sea specimens is one of the biggest motivations for anglers. They just need to get information about the seasons and the gear they should use to catch the best pieces.

In the summer, Marisol –which stands for “sea and sun” in Spanish- is active during the daytime, when these two forces of nature are the protagonists. There is also the chance to enjoy outings in the plains and cliffs teeming with beauty and mystery Buenos Aires inland. Mulpunleufú Cascade, the cave known as Cueva del Tigre and Puente Viejo are some of the most traditional sights.

Besides accommodation venues, camping in a very welcoming forest and gastronomic venues, the village offers the essential services for a quiet stay.

There is no nightlife and when young people wish to go dancing or visit some pub, they choose to travel to the nearby City of Oriente, lying 22 kilometers away from the shore.

Marisol lures tourists from the surrounding areas as well as those who visited this place once and resolved never to leave. Dawn and dusk on the same beach where every day the sun rises and sets while people enjoy walks, beholding and sensitivity for what nature has to offer.

Map Balneario Oriente / Marisol

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