
Junín Junín

The City of Junín lies 260 kilometers away from the Federal District, in the northeast of the Province of Buenos Aires. Resting on the shores of the Salado River, it is accessed through National Route 7. This modern and active urban settlement combines highly attractive tourist, rural and cultural circuits.

Located inside an agricultural and livestock area par excellence, the city concentrates commercial and educational life as well as popular festivals that characterize the whole district of Buenos Aires. The zone known as pampa húmeda, with its green meadows and good pastures, borders on it and offers formidable outings and accommodation at some of its agricultural venues. These invite visitors to spend a day in the countryside as the workers carry out their daily chores and to be entertained with homemade cooking.

Several urban circuits to discover the civic center, squares, main monuments, theaters and historical houses have been designed in the city. A tour around the various spaces related to it has been organized due to the significance of the railway in Junín.

Its excellent road system, its accommodation infrastructure and gastronomic venues have turned this into an ideal destination for tourism when it comes to social, business and religious gatherings, with programs for all ages and needs.

In the outskirts, just a few kilometers away, visitors can make contact with water bodies highly appreciated by anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. Lake Gómez and the natural park bearing the same name is among the most popular together with Lake El Carpincho. Fishing from the shore and boat trips lead anglers to coveted fish species such as silverside, dientudo, catfish and carp.

Junín is the seat of the Silverside Provincial Festival in May. Accommodation venues in the city are fully occupied by competitors and their families, who enjoy good bites and catches awarded by the organizers.

Junín causes amazement in the daytime with its varied urban and rural options. At night, cultural, musical and entertainment activities seduce locals and visitors alike until the wee hours of the morning.

Map Junín

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