La Rioja - Photos: Marcelo Sola Settled at the foot of Velasco mountains, La Rioja is the Capital City of the homonimous province. It was founded with the name of Ciudad de Todos los Santos de la Nueva Rioja by the name of the Spanish Region and it is imposing and beautiful because of its valleys, mountains, rivers and narrow passes.
The climate of La Rioja City is dry and hot with temperatures ranging from 21ºC to 35ºC in Summer and from 5ºC to 20ºC in Winter. Topographically, the area is arid due to the dryness of the air and to the sand lay which is sensitive to the hot action from the sun.
In order to get to this area, one can do it by plane arriving at "Capitán Vicente A. Almonacid" Airport 7 Km away from the city center.
La Rioja city is a joint of antiquity and modernity - narrow streets, low houses, museums, historical monuments, churches and convents contrast with a dinamic commercial centre providing the tourist with an excellent cultural alternative. La Rioja also presents interesting chances of adventure and contemplative tourism, agrotourism in the vineyards and wine cellars that allow the tourist to taste the various fragances and flavours of Rioja wines.
From the city, one can go through Nº75 National Route to Las Padercitas, a national monument that has walls from the end of the XVI Century where San Francisco Solano with his cross and violin evangelized the natives from Yacampis Valley.
Another recommended circuit to make is the Los Sauces Dam- a beautiful mirror of water to fish pejerrey and practise water sports.
At the top of Cerro de la Cruz (Cross Hill), 1,680 m high, there is a launching pad to practise hand gliding or paragliding. Nightlife in La Rioja offers casino, discos and pubs that cover the demand of different tastes and ages.