Mar Chiquita

Mar Chiquita Mar Chiquita

The seaside resort known as Mar Chiquita is located at the 483km marker on Provincial Route 11, also known as Interbalnearia, in the District of Mar Chiquita, Province of Buenos Aires. Bathed by the Argentinian Sea, its ample beaches, protected by breakwaters, make up a highly appreciated summer destination.

The different recreational areas on the beach offer tents, restrooms, coffee houses and life guards. The strong waves breaking against the shore create an ideal scene for the practice of surfing and windsurfing. On the sand, the most amusing activities include beach volleyball, pelota a paleta and tejo. Most visitors just wish to rest, sunbathe on a deck chair or a mat. No efforts required.

The urban center is picturesque, shady, and pleasant and it boasts a nice architecture. Bed and breakfast, private residences, cabins and inns look forward to the arrival of tourists every summer, when everything becomes tinged in color and informality. Strolls along the waterfront, bike and horseback rides are usually the most popular forms of entertainment.

As far as angling is concerned, those who try it must lead with a rocky bottom in the authorized sectors. The price is to get a good catch, such as a croaker, a sole or a large pescadilla.

Mar Chiquita has a very special attraction: a lagoon bearing the same name. It receives fresh water from the pampas basin and saltwater from the sea. It features a steppe like environment and it spans along the shore, separated from the sea by high sand hills.

The area offers accommodation, restaurants and recreational options. Good silverside is caught in the winter and croakers and mullets are captured in the summer.

The possibility of resting or abandoning oneself to nautical sports in contact with the sea air is a good incentive to visit Mar Chiquita in the high season, just 35 kilometers away from Mar del Plata.

Map Mar Chiquita

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