
Olavarría Olavarría

The City of Olavarría is one of the great urban settlements in the Province of Buenos Aires. Surrounded by fields and ponds and watched by the Tandilia Mountain Range, this city boasts captivating scenes and customs. It is an invitation to share the daily life of rural Argentina.

Olavarría is well-known for its famous cement quarries, where the material is extracted, processed in its plant and distributed throughout Argentina.

Bucolic par excellence, the fertility of its soil has enabled the development of cattle-raising and agriculture. These are highly appreciated by tourists who come along to pay a visit and stay at its traditional hotels or its new resorts and cabins, specially designed for travelers.

Educational farms and tourist estancias are part of what is known as rural tourism, which has included the city in the cultural agenda of the province for decades now.

For angling enthusiasts, Lake Blanca Grande is a must among silverside fans. Besides, creeks and rills offer swim holes by camping sites, ideal to enjoy the summer.

Its main square and cutural offer are celebrated by the new generations. The municipal theater, its cinemas and independent spaces are ready to amuse locals and tourists alike.

A delightful city worth visiting.

Map Olavarría

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