Pueblo Belgrano

Pueblo Belgrano Pueblo Belgrano

Pueblo Belgrano, a small tourist destination that has become a new attraction in Entre Ríos as a result of its resorts, inns and cabins with swimming-pool, lies between the City of Gualeguaychú and beautiful Ñandubaysal swim hole.

Minutes away from the delightful Uruguay River, and crossed by small creeks that contribute freshness in the summer season, its main features turn it into a perfect and nearby destination to enjoy with the family or a life partner.

Gualeguaychú Hot Springs are also part of the attractions lying close to Pueblo Belgrano. Others include Unzué Park, a natural park with typical wildlife specimens from the entire province or the pretty Uruguayan City of Fray Bentos, reached over the International Bridge.

A Private Natural Reserve is also available a few minutes away from Pueblo Belgrano. A wonderful place that invites visitors to learn about the ecosystem in Entre Ríos, in which green shades, fresh air, birds and trails prevail.

Map Pueblo Belgrano

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