San Vicente

San Vicente San Vicente

The City of San Vicente is located in the District of Guaraní in the . This population developed hand in hand with the wooden industry and the natural features of the surroundings. Lying at a total distance of 200 kilometers from Posadas, this urban settlement is accessed through National Routes 14 and 12. The waterfalls known as Saltos del Moconá are located 130 kilometers away.

It has an open urban grid with broad streets. Its accommodation options and restaurants, as well as other services, are well-prepared to welcome tourists. A minimum city tour includes San Vicente de Paul Church and the Municipal Botanical Garden, a space where native and exotic species are preserved.

San Vicente is situated in the central mountain range in Misiones. It is made up by beautiful woods and creeks. Falls are formed due to the uneven ground, thus creating a space for recreation and outdoor activities. Diverse intensity of rainfall produce a wet environment in which lush forests containing a wide array of plants develop.

Zulma Fall is the closest to town. There are other falls known as Siete Pisos (Seven stories), Arcoiris (Rainbow), Tarumá, Bella Vista (Beautiful View) and Maynó. Each of them has features of their own but they are all immersed in almost untouched areas only accessed through local paths made of red soil.

Several tourist developments are available for all kinds of visitors, including grown-ups and chiIdren who wish to enjoy the wilderness of this area. In addition, accommodation venues in the city include agricultural tourism projects and a wide range of camping sites that will guarantee direct contact with the cascades.

Most local denizens live on afforestation and industrial produce. The Wood National Festival is held every year. The local multi-sports venue is the place where craftsmen, merchants, technicians and music artists show off their skills and where the queen is elected.

There are plenty of reasons for visitors to San Vicente to have a good time year round.

Map San Vicente

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