

Cachi - Photos: Eduardo Epifanio

Tourism in Cachi

Cachi is a beautiful town in the Chalchaquí Valleys of Salta on the east slope of Nevado Hill at 6,720m above the sea.
Cachi is situated at 2,280 m above sea level and 157 km. from Salta City through Nº 40 National Road or Nº 33 Provincial Road. Nature as well as colonial aristocracy from the XVIII Century can be admired in this environment.

In this legendary town, there are white buildings, adobe houses, paved streets and impressive architectural and cultural constructions that make the tourist admire and contemplate the scene.
In this region of the country the climate is warm or cold and dry with Summers registering temperatures ranging from 15 to 28º C and Winters with temperatures ranging from 1 to 19º C. The land is mainly arid but fertile to grow vegetables, legumes and , especially , peppers.

Cachi means " salt" in quechua due to the fact that natives mistook the top of " El Nevado" with a salt mine.
There are different touristic sites among which the " Valle Encantado" ( Enchanted Valley) is found and where aeolian and pluvian erosion have depicted suggestive shapes in the rocks of the mountain and Los Cardones National Park presents a unique and beautiful desert landscape with important animal and vegetal species.

The most outstanding places to visit are the Archeological Museum, Cachi Church and Antigales, where deposits of old native civilizations are found.
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Accommodation in Cachi 21 Accommodation

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