Caleta Olivia

Caleta Olivia Caleta Olivia - Photos: 1y3: Marcelo Fuhr / 2: Jorge González

For many people, Caleta Olivia is the access gate to the Province of Santa Cruz. It lies just 50 kilometers from the border of Chubut.

Caleta Olivia is one of the cities in the province with the highest commercial and oil activity, evidenced through a great number of businessmen, workers and engineers devoted to the oil industry.

Founded in the early twentieth century as a port for the regional sheep cattle production, in 1944, after the discovery of oil in the area known as Cañadón Seco (Dry Ravine), it became an important commercial pole thanks to the “black gold”.

The famous Gorosito, a monument raised to pay homage to all oil workers in the country, is a must visit for tourists in the city.

Another mandatory tourist attraction is the shores of San Jorge Gulf, whose cliffs and beaches of fine sand invite visitors to enjoy the last sun beams. Sunset and the nightfall, sometimes very cold, are unforgettable at this spot.

Picturesque, with colorful houses and several slopes that make it appear strange to first time viewers, Caleta Olivia is one of the most beautiful southern cities in Argentinian Patagonia with a view of the sea.

Map Caleta Olivia

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