Touring around Cariló Woods

Tree varieties that have become adapted to the seaside atmosphere have come of age and now are part of what visitors expect to find near the coast.

One of the curious things about Cariló is to have grown as a tourist destination without leaving aside its original traits. Thus, fixing the sand hills and the continuous task of planting species has shown its results: a thick forest that shelters the area from the strong summer sunshine and completes beach activities.

Neither the salt in the air nor the sandy soil that fails to retain water have managed to stop the growth of pine trees, acacias and aromos throughout the years. The works began in 1920, in charge of Héctor Guerrero, one of the pioneers who planted a wide array of specimens that did not take long to spread.

We walked into an area of the woods to feel its vitality as well as its perfume. There is no age limit to enjoy hiking amid the trunks that get lost in the clouds, to detect the humidity of this environment and enjoy each of our steps on the dry leaves that cover the ground.

  • Trees compete in height and density

    Trees compete in height and density

  • Tree species acclimated to sea air

    Tree species acclimated to sea air

  • Pines, acacias and mimosas

    Pines, acacias and mimosas

  • Cariló he born between trees

    Cariló he born between trees

We found a house here and there. They were comfortable and surrounded by splendid lawns. The strict urban code of Cariló sets forth special regulations to build structures inside the woods in order to preserve the environment.

We visited a fair known as Feria del Bosque, whose main attraction is the site where it was established. Its stores have been laid out in such a way that the trees will continue to grow and at the same time accompany the surroundings. Likewise, adventure awaits at the so-called Bosque Aéreo, a kind of entertainment that lets people “fly” amid bridges, Tyrolean crossings and platforms nestled in the foliage.

Concerts have been held in the woods of Cariló for 20 years already and they represent one of the longest awaited meeting points. Presented outdoors, they feature excellent musicians. Feeling the silence of all attendants in combination with the sound of the different musical instruments is one of the most sublime moments that may be expected within a natural environment of this kind.

The forest represents city life itself. Cariló developed among trees and it will continue to be faithful to the need of its denizens to preserve this space of purity and have all visitors pay respect to this.

Autor Mónica Pons Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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