Mapuche community in the Loom Festival
The moon on the mountain range
Excursions to the volcano
Winter scenery
Hualcupén Pond
Ready for the lasso
Time for contemplation
First rodeos, Cajón Chico
A hotel with a view
Excursion to the volcano
The stamp of man
Skilled <i>sortija</i> player
Foto de un fotógrafo
Walking through the forest
The lasso, the loom festival
The loom festival
The <i>tropilla</i>
Winter resort
Herminia González, craftswoman
A horse in the lasso
Excursion to the volcano
Beach at Hualcupén
Excursions to the border
The flag's colors
From Salto del Agrio viewpoint
Getting the dogs ready
Down the volcano
Lake Caviahue
Getting ready for the <i>sortija</i> game
About to cross the bridge
Rodeo at Cajón Chico
Gaucho being trained
Multicolor Agrio
Mouth of the Copahue Volcano
View from the truck
On the trails of Caviahue
Around the city and the beach
Friends at the loom festival
At Las Lengas
Solitary rider
Friendship at the loom festival
Ski resort
Horses at the lake
Loom craftswoman
Hotel ISSN view
Monkey-puzzle tree
Nine in the morning
Ready for the rodeo
Roping the animal
Handicrafts, loom festival
Panoramic spot
Crafts hands
Postcard of the moon on the lake
Spring snow
City tour on sleds
Photo from the volcano
Tours with adrenaline
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