Chacras de Coria

Chacras de Coria Chacras de Coria - Photos: Eduardo Epifanio

A few minutes away from the City of Mendoza lies Chacras de Coria, one of the districts located around the capital of the province in the area known as Greater Mendoza.

Famous for its cuisine and excellent restaurants and wineries, Chacras de Coria is a perfect destination for those who wish to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city without losing sight of nearby attractions.

Located on a large hillside and surrounded by low hills, Chacras de Coria succeeds in satisfying the needs of those who search for peace, silence and of course interesting sights.

Old and modern grand houses alike can be seen while waling down the streets of the city, together with various kinds of accommodation options, including estancias specially conditioned for tourists or country houses, apartments, inns and hostels that have been settled down in the area.

Both during the daytime and at night, Chacras de Coria invites everyone to come along especially on the weekend. It is essential to make reservations in advance for lunch or dinner because tourists as well as denizens of Greater Mendoza visit this location on weekends and public holidays.

Don Bohorquez de Coria, who once owned these lands, never imagined that his farm, today known as Chacras de Coria, would be chosen by so many visitors of all kinds.

Map Chacras de Coria

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