This historical and archeological museum is housed by a construction raised in the early seventeenth century to operate as a flour mill.
Elements owned by various cultures that inhabited the area are treasured inside. These pieces are on display in seven rooms that offer neatly organized information.
Special mention is deserved by the rooms devoted to mining, the main economic activity in Chilecito in the past centuries, as well as the archeology rooms, where axes, mortars, pottery and statues made by native cultures may be observed, and finally the art room, where over sixty works made by different authors.
The literature room preserves the ancient gable roof with 'pus pus', a bush native to this area. A one-meter-thick wall which dates from 1712 may be admired in this point. Among other significant items, the room boasts a collection of 'Martín Fierro' in all the languages it was translated into.