Our Lady of Mercy's Basilica
<i>Pasaje Santa Catalina</i>
Spying at the zoo
Alfonsina, cultural resto-bar
The Good Shepherd's Promenade
Cathedral's Main Entrance
Juggling amidst the traffic in Córdoba
Inside the <i>Cabildo</i>
At sunset
Guided tours
Trolley buses in Córdoba
In front of the Cathedral
At the Jesuit Block
Craftsmen in San Martín Square
Sarmiento Park scene
Arches in the <i>Cabildo</i>
The Good Shepherd's Promenade
Emilio Caraffa Fine Arts Provincial Museum
Behind the Cathedral
Córdoba at noon
City of the arts
Carmelite Nuns, National Historical Monument
Church of the Company of Jesus
Pedestrian streets
On board the city tour bus around Córdoba
Carmelite nuns
Patio Olmos
Cathedral, National Historical Monument
Flowers promenade
City tour on the bus
Antique's market at <i>Paseo de las Artes</i>
Looking up
Alta Córdoba Station
Emilio Caraffa Fine Arts Provincial Museum
Bicentennial's Lighthouse
Bicentennial's Promenade
Carmelite nuns' Church and Monastery
<i>Pasaje Santa Catalina</i>
Sobremonte Promenade
Colonial wall
Warm hues in the streets of Córdoba
Visits to the belfry
Women's Museum
San Martín Square
ANSES building
San Martín's quote
Tourist police
Baroque ceiling in the Cathedral
Friar Mamerto Esquiú
Forbidden books' library
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