El Trapiche

El Trapiche El Trapiche

El Trapiche is one of the main tourist attractions in the Province of San Luis. Lying 40 kilometers north of the capital of San Luis, the name "trapiche" refers to an old mill used to grind minerals in search of precious metals such as gold and silver.

A small river crosses the mountains of San Luis contributing drinking water to this small city which gradually changed from a weekend village to a summer resort where cabins and inns offer first-class accommodation.

The Trapiche River, along with the Grande River, empties its waters into La Florida reservoir, one of the most eye-catching in the entire province. Finished in 1953, it stands at the access to the town and it turns out to be an ideal setting for silverside and trout fishing, as well as for other nautical activities usually enjoyed during the weekends.

Ever since 1984, the local authorities have organized the Provincial Rivers Festival, which summons thousands of denizens from neighboring towns and tourists from all over the country who take part in the cultural and sports activities included in this singular event. The election of the Queen of the Rivers crowns this festival which gathers candidates from each department in the province.

Map El Trapiche

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