El Volcán

El Volcán El Volcán

Barely 20 kilometers separate El Volcán, a small summer and weekend village, from the capital of San Luis. The Volcán River, whose quiet crystal-clear waters invite visitors to enjoy fishing, to have a picnic on its banks or else rest their eyes on the view, is chosen by people who feel like enjoying nature at any time.

The river goes past the famous waterfall known as Salto Colorado and the place called La Hoya, a natural pool with a rock bed where people swim, taking advantage of the backwater formed by the waterway.

El Volcán is ideal for the practice of various sports and recreational activities, among which hiking and horseback riding stand out. Likewise, silverside and trout fishing is popular in nearby creeks and reservoirs.

Resting on the mountain range, this summer village is one of the many districts of San Luis that offer sceneries with cultural and historical options as well as activities in harmony with nature.

Part of the mountain range named Sierras de San Luis, this small urban settlement is the ideal excuse to spend the night when looking for a quiet place in the capital of the province, which stands just a few minutes away.

Pleasant from all points of view and with some particular customs held by its steady denizens, such as the sacred respect for nap time, El Volcán is definitely worth a visit.

Map El Volcán

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