Irupé Lodge


Colonia Carlos Pelegrini, Esteros del Iberá, Corrientes

Mobile +54 9 3773 456730

Irupé Lodge is a privileged place to enjoy the nature of the estuaries and the Iberá lagoon, carrying out entertaining tourism programs and staying in an establishment that provides everything necessary for a pleasant stay.

Peaceful like the environment that surrounds it, the lodge offers comfortable and original rooms in rustic style. Thanks to its elevated construction, you can enjoy an excellent view of the lagoon and the estuaries: a combination designed to make you feel completely relaxed.
On the hottest days, the local restaurant offers to enjoy an exquisite regional dish outdoors, where the music of the swamps accompanies you at all times.

Irupé Lodge, the place you have been waiting for if you want to escape from daily routine and civilization, coming into direct contact with intact nature face to face with wild animals in one of the few paradises on the planet.


  • Bed Linen
  • Breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Library
  • Linen
  • Outdoor swimming-pool
  • Restaurant
  • Tourist information

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