Calilegua National Park

106 km. away from San Salvador de Jujuy, there lies Calilegua National Park, created to protect over 76,000 hectares of yunga, an environment with one of the richest biodiversities in the Republic of Argentina.

In order to visit this natural reserve by car, drivers should take National Route 34 towards the Northwest and get past the Districts of Carabunco, Palpalá, Mina 9 de Octubre, San Pedro, El Quemado, El Chalicán, Fraile Pintado and Ledesma until they reach Libertador General San Martín.

On the way, large territories owned by sugar refineries may be observed. It is also possible to watch the sugar cane harvesters in action.

Once at Libertador General San Martín, visitors should drive 4 kilometers more along the same road up to the San Lorenzo River and then turn left and continue up to Provincial Route 83, which lies 100 meters away and travel the final 8 kilometers that will lead them to the park access.

  • Capuchin monkeys - Photo: Silvina Enrietti

    Capuchin monkeys - Photo: Silvina Enrietti

  • Momota - Photo: Baltasar Ramos

    Momota - Photo: Baltasar Ramos

  • Lush jungle - Photo: Baltasar Ramos

    Lush jungle - Photo: Baltasar Ramos

As they get to this destination, visitors find a relief formed by deep ravines carved by creeks and rivers, as well as a lush rainforest where the abundant rainfalls contribute to an ideal environment for the development of plentiful wildlife.

Once in the heart of the park, various activities may be enjoyed. One of them is tree mapping. A guide authorized by the park ranger takes tourists down on a tour around the rainforest to observe the thick and perennial foliage of the scenery at several vantage or panoramic points.

Other options include hiking or trekking tours of various degrees of difficulty along the marked trails or a bike tour around the vehicle path that crosses the different sectors of the park.

During a stay at Calilegua National Park, it is possible to observe multiple bird and mammal species. Over 260 bird species cohabit in this territory. Among them, toucans, dusky-legged guans, woodpeckers, black vultures, condors, crowned eagles and kingfishers may be observed. For this reason, this is a highly popular destination among biologists and ornithologists from different parts of the world who wish to do research.

The typical mammals include endangered jaguar, cougar, ferret, crab-eating fox, tufted capuchin and various squirrel species.

Flora is made up by over 75 species among which palos bobos, tuscas, cedars from Salta, chinchitas, laurels, talas, tabaquillos, oaks, jacarandaes, pepper trees and granadillos stand out.

Visitors who resolve to stay at the park have the option to spend the night at Aguas Negras camping site, which offers drinking water services and bathrooms.

Furthermore, visitors may have a great time at the picnic area called Mesada de las Colmenas, 1,150 meters above sea level, where they will enjoy a memorable vantage point featuring the view of Mesillos, Bayo, Hermoso, Loma Larga and Tres Lomas Hills.

Calilegua National Park
San Lorenzo 4514
Calilegua - Jujuy - Argentina
Tel.: 54 38 86422046
E-mail: ;

Autor Marcelo Sola Fotografo Parques Nacionales - Prensa

How to get hereHow to get here: National Route 34 passes at the foot of the Calilegua hills. North from the town of Libertador General San Martin and then crossing the St. Lawrence River, turn west to take the Provincial Route 83 (gravel road). This mountain road through the park allows penetrate up to 1800 m


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