La Cumbrecita

La Cumbrecita La Cumbrecita

La Cumbrecita lies just 40 kilometers away from Villa General Belgrano, nestled in the mountain range of the province. This small village was founded by different immigrant colonies that reached the area and built a true paradise visited by thousands of tourists year round today.

This wonderful site offers the chance to enjoy rest and recreation. It started to develop in 1934 and was raised as the best place to enjoy with the family or a life partner. It is ideal to practice trout fishing, hiking or else get to know its history. It lies 1,450 meters MSL, thus representing the highest point in the entire

A sign at the access reads "Welcome to the First Pedestrian Village in the Country". This is a perfect introduction for visitors to understand that the local denizens enjoy a slow pace, and the tourists themselves adopt this lifestyle as soon as they start walking around the picturesque alpine village.

A creek of crystal-clear waters indicates visitors that the town starts there. Several handicraft stores, restaurants and shops show off a different country from the one we are used to.

Everything is neat, polite and beautiful at this location. That may be the reason why whoever walks down these streets does not feel like going back home. And there is no doubt that when they do, they will choose La Cumbrecita as a destination once again, because they want the feeling of happiness to remain.

Map La Cumbrecita

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