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MUSEUMS of Argentina


Finding Oil
Comodoro Rivadavia
Finding Oil
The Oil National Museum revives the history of this hydrocarbon that changed the life of all Argentinians after several visionary entrepreneurs carried out its exploitation and industrialization.
Rails and Wharfs with History
Comodoro Rivadavia
Rails and Wharfs with History
The Railway Port Museum shelters anecdotes that give evidence of the two economic pillars upon which the growth of the region was based: trains and ships.
Regional Museum at Rada Tilly
Comodoro Rivadavia
Regional Museum at Rada Tilly
A visit to the Regional Museum in Rada Tilly provides knowledge about the first denizens of the area and the chance to admire a replica of a cave featuring prehistoric paintings.
El Calafate Regional Museum
El Calafate
El Calafate Regional Museum
Located in the center of the City of El Calafate, this museum suggests a tour around the local history and wildlife that make up the surroundings of this beautiful district.
Getting to Know the History of El Calafate
El Calafate
Getting to Know the History of El Calafate
El Calafate Historical Interpretation Center is a perfect invitation into the history of this location and Argentinian Patagonia.
Pioneer Railway Station
Puerto Deseado
Pioneer Railway Station
The old walls of the railway station still house the secrets of the branch that gave life to Puerto Deseado in the early twentieth century.
Two Centuries under the Sea
Puerto Deseado
Two Centuries under the Sea
During a tour around the Mario Brozoski Municipal Museum which tasted like a treasure hunt, we observed objects from the shipwreck of the English corvette called Swift in the eighteenth...
A Look into the Past
Río Gallegos
A Look into the Past
Rio Gallegos is a fortunate city since it has the possibility of showing its early beginnings and its culture to visitors for them to understand the customs, ideas and life of its ancestors....
Museum of Pioneers
Río Gallegos
Museum of Pioneers
Housed by one of the most ancient constructions in the city, the Museum of Pioneers shows visitors the lifestyle of Río Gallegos in the early twentieth century.
Roberto Galian Railway Museum
Río Gallegos
Roberto Galian Railway Museum
We visited Roberto Galian Railway Museum and learned about the history, traditions and customs of the railway workers and miners in Santa Cruz.
A Visit to the Salesian Mission
Río Grande
A Visit to the Salesian Mission
Becoming acquainted with the mission is becoming acquainted with the origin of the city and its present development which owes a lot to Salesian zeal.
Visit to Dr. Federico Escalada Regional Museum
Río Mayo
Visit to Dr. Federico Escalada Regional Museum
While staying at the City of Río Mayo, it is inevitable to pay a visit to Federico Escalada Regional Museum. It houses part of the local history and is willing to show it to whoever...
Cultural Treasures in the Regional Museum
Cultural Treasures in the Regional Museum
The Desiderio Torres Museum preserves testimonies of the several cultures established in this agricultural colony. This museum was named after an old native and is housed by the building...
Fuegian History Theme Gallery
Fuegian History Theme Gallery
The museum halls revive the events and legends of this fascinating region at the world’s end. We have even read about some of them in books.
The End of the World Museum
The End of the World Museum
The Museo del Fin del Mundo (End of the World Museum) holds a remarkable collection of pieces of the first expeditions and the indigenous people who inhabited these coasts.
The Maritime Museum, Prison at the End of the World
The Maritime Museum, Prison at the End of the World
Ushuaia has grown by the sea, under the watchful gaze of the prison. Both museums, the Maritime and the Prison, bear witness to the passing of time.

Welcome Argentina - Touristic Information about Argentina: Museums
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