Welcome Argentina
  Argentinian NorthLittoral CorridorCuyoArgentinian Mountain RangeBuenos Aires CorridorArgentinian Atlantic CoastGreat Valley of PatagoniaThe Lakes of PatagoniaPatagonian CoastSouthern Patagonia

Argentina | friday 3-28-2025

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Who we are

In1998, we started to dive into this fascinating virtual world from a very small corner of Patagonia – San Martín de los Andes City .

Eager to do this work, we started with 7 lagos.com, web site that introduced the world wide known “corredor de los lagos ” ( Lakes Road ).

The proper dynamics of this means of communication, the development in contents of the site, and the appropriate marketing meant a continuous increase in the visits
to the site making it the referent for anyone who would like to travel to this region. This fact, made us break the frontiers of the site to include the rich geography of Patagonia . Thus, interpatagonia.com was born.

Today, we have decided to double the bet and following that Japanese Proverb that says Studying what has happened , you learn what is happening”, we created welcomeargentina.com. This is a site that wishes to provide you with the main cities of Argentina together with their history, landscapes, legends and services.

As we have said, every present comes from the past. Perhaps, a near past, that was lived by others. Professionals and friends who were with us in this pleasant work of drawing in the air this dream that ,today, has turned into a virtual eat with true foundations.

Everyone : the ones from the past, the ones that are today and, certainly those who will come, are part of this “internet factory” that only wants to keep growing to answer to your demand and needs, to answer to our prestigious followers.

Welcome Argentina - Touristic Information about Argentina: Who we are
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Interpatagonia S.A.