
Ostende Ostende

The City of Ostende is welcoming, with top summer residences. It may be one of the most ancient on the Atlantic Coast and it belongs to the District of Pinamar. It lies 358 kilometers away from the Federal District and it is accessed through Provincial Route 11 –also known as Interbalnearia- and the so-called Autovía 74. Pinamar, which is located to the North, Ostende and Valeria del Mar, situated in the South, have grown in such a way that they almost look like only one urban settlement.

Ever since its early days, Ostende has been a very quiet seaside village with plenty of sunshine and ideal for families. Well-conditioned beach areas with excellent services offer the chance to sunbathe on a spacious sand strip or enjoy a dive in the sea as well as recreational activities.

In the afternoons, its commercial center lures visitors with everything they need for a well supplied stay. Likewise, it offers coquettish coffee houses to relish a refreshing drink.

Outdoor life promises all kinds of sports. Walking along shady areas while enjoying the aroma of the trees, horseback rides, ATV outings and fishing in all its modalities -even from the shore- are some of the options. Those who wish to exercise during the holidays may resort to some gym, golf course or tennis court.

The old Hotel Ostende is part of the local heritage. It is a hundred years old and its elegant rooms and halls have given shelter to many celebrities. The venue is still operating. It has gained style at the same time it became adapted to modern accommodation technologies. In turn, La Elenita is a small summer house on the beach, which has been uused by the family of former President Arturo Frondizi and his wife as from 1934.

Why choose Ostende? For the same reasons one may choose other beaches on the Atlantic, but also because it lies close to cities like Pinamar and Valeria del Mar. The thing is that when it comes to nightlife entertainment, visitors to Ostende must search for it in such districts, where pubs, discos, pizza restaurants and the like are plentiful and offer fashionable options, especially for the young.

Map Ostende

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