24 hours at the Falls

Is one day enough to enjoy so much beauty? The rational answer is definitely not. However, we will do our best to show you all the Falls and their unbelievable surroundings.

8:30 hs.
An early start after breakfast at your hotel. The best option is a walk around Puerto Iguazú city. Crafts, souvenirs, toucan, guacamayo and Fall T-shirts await. Travel agencies offer a wide range of alternatives of organized outings.

10: 00 hs.
La Casa de las Botellas (House of Bottles) is an ideal way of becoming acquainted with a different view of the world and appreciating the way its founder creates awareness of possible uses of the plastic bottles we consume daily.

11:00 hs.
Close by, Güirá Oga theme park, also known as ’the bird house’ is an excellent family outing. A guided tour will show you how the jungle is formed and all about the animals and plants which populate it.

  • The photo of the year

    The photo of the year

  • The House of Bottles

    The House of Bottles

  • The theme park Güirá Oga

    The theme park Güirá Oga

  • The flavors of this exquisite region

    The flavors of this exquisite region

  • Explore the various trails

    Explore the various trails

  • The city has much to see

    The city has much to see

  • Hotels for all tastes

    Hotels for all tastes

12:30 hs.
Time to think about lunch. In Puerto Iguazú there are many places which pride themselves on their lunch and dinner menus. You will delight your palate with grilled meat, pasta or the best river fish prepared according to ancestral recipes of this spectacular fall area.

14:00 hs.
No time for a nap. Off we go to the village of San Ignacio to see its famous Jesuit ruins. They captivate us the moment we set eyes on them and the tour proposed by the guides enhances their appeal. An amazing history lesson which helps us understand the conquest from all cardinal directions.

15:00 hs.
A few minutes from the Jesuit ruins, the Home of Horacio Quiroga is the perfect place to visit and understand the life of this great writer. His famous Cuentos de la Selva (Tales of the Jungle) come to life by walking through his house and unravelling the secrets of the jungle he lived in.

17:00 hs.
We plan to Access Iguazú National Park as late as possible to walk along the different trails by the Falls.
Our aim is to reach Garganta del Diablo (Devil’s Throat) in time to watch the sunset at this magnificent waterfall. It is also the ideal moment to see the toucans flocking to their nests to spend the night.

19:00 hs.
As daylight dims, the sounds in the park change while nocturnal animals begin their activities. When the moon is full, the outing known as Full Moon Night is pure magic. After an unforgettable tour of the walks in the moonlight topped by dinner served in the Park facilities.

21:00 hs.
Time to head back to Puerto Iguazú city and enjoy its gastronomic restaurants. River fish lovers are in for a treat. Local cuisine offers perfect combinations of meat and fish as well as fruit and vegetables grown in the area. There is a wide choice of restaurants offering auteur, old style and contemporary cuisine.

24:00 hs.
The time has come to return to our hotel or cabin for a well deserved rest. We have come to know one of the most popular destinations in Argentina in under 24 hours. There is no doubt we will come back …

’We did it all. In one day we got to know the Falls in an unforgettable way. We will surely be back.’

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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