Angling in Puerto Madryn

Whether in summer or winter, Madryn has outstanding conditions for sport fishing. Here we present some advice for each season.

As every good seaside village, Puerto Madryn is an excellent scenery for the development of commercial and sport fishing. The natural environment and a good infrastructure make fishing possible all through the year.

Summer is the ideal season for boat fishing. Whether on their own craft or on a rented one, visitors may get deep into the high seas and catch good specimens of groupers, turcos, hound sharks, porgies and fake sea salmons.

To do so, it is necessary to have heavy equipment such as boat rods, spinning reels with lifting power surpassing 200 m., 0.75-mm nylon, single hooks and 250g tubular shaped weight. According to experts, the best bait for this kind of fishing are fresh little octopus, squid or fish, also fresh, especially silversides.

  • Whether in summer or winter

    Whether in summer or winter

  • An excellent scenario for the development of fisheries

    An excellent scenario for the development of fisheries

  • A real challenge for all enthusiasts

    A real challenge for all enthusiasts

  • Commander Luis Piedrabuena dock

    Commander Luis Piedrabuena dock

A real challenge for all enthusiasts is trying fishing from the shore during the summer. It is very exciting to fight with the fish and manage a catch from any beach in Madryn. In addition to knowing about the tides, it is necessary to have 4-meter-long rods, spinning reels, 0.30-mm nylon, lines and treble hooks. The best bait to get specimens of high sport value, such as ray, hound shark and pez gallo, are prawns, anchovy or calamaretes.

At Puerto Madryn, lovers of fishing may also enjoy this activity during the winter. From April to the spring, they can fish with light equipment made up by 2.70-meter-long rods, spinning or front drag reels with lifting power ranging from 100 to 150 meters and a 0.20 to 0.30-mm diameter.

Autor Karina Jozami Fotografo Karina Jozami

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