Punto Ramírez Hostel
Gral. Güemes 452, Salta, Salta
Mobile +54 9 387 5151741
Punto Ramírez is located in the heart of the city of Salta. A few steps away you can visit tourist places such as the main square 9 de Julio, the Basilica Cathedral, the San Francisco Church, the High Mountain Archeology Museum, the Güemes Monument, among others.
It has private and shared rooms, some with private bathrooms.
Facilities of Punto Ramírez Hostel
- Air-conditioning
- Bed Linen
- Breakfast
- Free Wi-Fi
- Linen
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- Tableware
- Lockers privados
Frequently Asked Questions about Punto Ramírez Hostel
Si, Punto Ramírez Hostel entre sus servicios cuenta con Free Wi-Fi