The Low Lands, a selected and special place, the most incredible site in the world ….are there any doubts?
There we will enjoy a fiery sunset with an astounding brightness and power towards the East. A golden orange ball of fire dazzles and slowly falls down into the water, turning the river into gold like the sun itself.
As we stare at such a spectacle trying to understand what nature says, the Río de La Plata is tinged with the same color as the sky and only the subtle line on the horizon separates the water from the sky.
No estamos solos
Una embarcación sin hacer ruido alguno se acerca lentamente creando una especie de ilusión óptica, un sueño. No hay ruido de motor ni se escuchan las voces de sus tripulantes y la figura de estos apenas se distingue del sol brillante que poseen detrás.
De repente, y ya muy cerca, se escucha el motor y apenas levantan sus manos para saludar nuestra existencia. Nuestro bote, de color marrón casi como el río se mimetiza de manera perfecta, por lo que a los ojos de otros, también es difícil distinguirnos.
Everything goes back to normal, to the pure state of nothingness. The sun has already started to set, faster and faster every time.
From the point of view of science, the Earth is always rolling; however, our eyes seem to believe that the sun is the one that slowly gets into the water until it completely fades away.
Enjoy Nothingness
Still in the middle of the nothingness or the fullness of life: water, reed islets, a hedge of white heron on the mud, some weeping willows coming out from the vast plain, the screeching of hidden plumbeous rail or, just high overhead, the flight of a group of lined wild ducks.
In his unforgettable book “El Carapachay”, Sarmiento says: “Islands advance quickly or rather go towards the sea and the formation of these islands is clearly observable. At the time the sand bank starts to approach the surface, reed grows up and raises its threads in such a manner that it creates an apparent ground which really does not exist yet. However, the bunch of reed is a drain created by nature to force the water to stop and deposit the yellow mud that colors and creates the vegetation terrain …”
These words are certainly palpable. Numberless aquatic plants grow in a bed formed by reed as well as other plants, like the cockspur coral tree which welcomes the scarlet-headed blackbird, a little red-necked bird which comes to visit this tree every single morning.
“… Flowering senna, button bush, yellow bush and miní are some of the shrubs found. Bay laurel, cuaca , canelón and other ornamental bushes and firewood trees stand out. Groups of capybaras usually roam their coasts, bathe in the channels in the moonlight and shelter through the creepers entwined with plants, shrubs and trees in the thick greenness ….” goes on Sarmiento in a memorable way. These words definitely explain the development of this phenomenon which still remains and is embellished by the hands of the dwellers of these islands.