Villa María

Villa María Villa María

Villa María is one of the largest cities in the Province of Córdoba and it stands right in the middle of it, on the shores of Río Tercero, just 150 kilometers away from the City of Córdoba.

Famous for the sustained growth of its dairy industry, Villa María is located in a geographical area suitable for intensive cattle raising and agriculture. As a result, this zone has become a significant economic center in the region. The relief of the city has no foldings since it is immersed in the pampa plain, there is only a slight slope to the southeast. Villa María is in a quite low level, at 196 meters above sea level.

The City of Villa María has developed on the river bank, along with the City of Villa Nueva. They both succeeded in building a wide array of swim holes and small dams that represent the main recreation scenes not only for local denizens but also for thousands of tourists who come along every year.

The nearby water bodies and dams are also the destination of various all-day outings. They promise fire pits, fishing and interaction with nature, a typical thing in this region of Córdoba.

People who enjoy urban elements will see Villa María offers plenty of shops, cinemas, theaters, parks and recreational areas that may be enjoyed either alone or in the company of the family.

Map Villa María

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