Estancias in Argentina
The estancias are definitely linked to the history and the essence of our culture. And for such reason, the houses and inns that welcome visitors today are accurate representations of our identity. In them, the past and the present of both Creoles and immigrants are expressed.
We invite you to travel the country and discover these estancias, country houses and inns: a brief ride with accurate information to tempt you tour and visit them.
Gualeguaychú Carnival
Each summer, during the months of January and February, the City of Gualeguaychú dresses up to present one of the most expected shows in the area: the Carnival of the Country, which summons thousands of enthusiasts that enjoy the brightness, the joy, the thrill and the rhythm of the comparsas parading before them at the local corsódromo runway.
Release all your restrained feelings with us and let yourself be captivated by the comparsas' parade.