Refreshing nap
<i>Banco de la Nación Argentina</i> façade
Lavalle Street Corner
Rural Association
No bevel
Neighbors' meeting
Meeting point
Chascomús Bishopric
Main square
Founded in 1925
Pedaling in the handicrafts market
Sailing on the lagoon
La Cuadra Restaurant
At three o'clock
Artistic mural
Boulevard view
<i>Mates</i> from the region
Good vibes
from 1852
Railway station
Old <i>Estanciera</i>
The chapel of the Black
The waterfront
The cathedral
Traditional carrousel
By bike along the waterfront
The chapel of the Black
Tribute to Alfonsín
Glup ice-cream
Golf Chascomus Country Club
Historical railway sign
Hotel El Mirador
Thick fresh tree grove
Hotel Riviera façade
The cathedral's religious bookstore
Chascomús Town Hall
Yacth Club
ACA 702 Building
Banco de la Nación Argentina on the corner
Green spaces on the waterfront
Police Station
Colonial style
Alfonsín's house
Muñiz Street corner
Bridge over Girado Creek
Classic espadrilles
A new version of Abbey Road
Quiet streets
Capital of mini-tourism
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