Things to do in Chascomús

Select by activity type: : AllAviationContemplative TourismGastronomyFishingMuseumsReligious Tourism

AviationContemplative Tourism

A Baptism in the Air

Parachuting is an experience every man and woman should practice once in their lifetime. It surpasses the power of our imagination.

GastronomyContemplative Tourism

Atalaya: The <i>Croissant</i> Stop

From time immemorial, making a stop during a journey to or from the Atlantic Coast has represented the perfect excuse to grab a cup of coffee with the most renown croissants in the country.


Fishing in the Chascomús Lagoon

The Chascomús Lagoon is perfect to catch silverside and trahiras. A nearby site where those who seek shall find.

Contemplative Tourism

Former President Raúl Alfonsín’s House

The man considered by many as the Father of Democracy was born and raised in the City of Chascomús, in one of the houses located on the main square in town.

Contemplative Tourism

Going around the Chascomús Lagoon

Going around the Chascomús Lagoon is a classic tour. Most people set out at the downtown waterfront. Whether on foot, by bike or car, the pleasure of touring this incredible place...

MuseumsReligious Tourism

The Magic of the Black Chapel

There is a very special place in Chascomús worth a visit regardless of any religion or belief: the Black Chapel.

Tourism in Buenos Aires

The scenes contained by the Province of Buenos Aires are quite different: the countryside, mountains, large cities, lakes, the Paraná Delta and the wide array of beaches on the Atlantic coast.

MuseumsContemplative Tourism

Visit to Casco’s House

The City of Chascomús treasures incredible stories. Life here is certainly stranger than fiction and the house owned by a man named Casco is an example of that.

Contemplative Tourism

Visit to the <i>estancias</i> in the City of Chascomús

Chascomús is essentially a countryside destination and many of its estancias offer lodging. A distinctive way to enjoy rural life.

Contemplative Tourism

City Tour around Chascomús

In addition to the memory of its distinguished citizen, the City of Chascomús treasures several attractions for visitors. A perfect place to relax and enjoy recreation.


The Pampas Museum of Chascomús

Chascomús boasts one of the prettiest museums in the Province of Buenos Aires. There the countryside is the star. Welcome to the Pampas Museum.

Hotels and accommodations in Chascomús

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