First, it was the cows that painted the city with the aromas of the countryside. Then our beautiful Buenos Aires was invaded by hearts. The art shows embellish the city and invite passers-by to reflection.
"I have a heart
Deprived of all hope and reason.
I have a heart that gets up early anywhere.
¡Ay ay ay ay ay!"
Hearts painted in every color you can imagine. They are all the same size and shape, but they are so different from one another that one cannot help stopping to admire each one of their features.
Live Hearts For All Under the slogan of being the first display of urban art in the open sky,
"Corazones Vivos” represented a cultural and artistic outdoor event that proved, from a public perspective (streets and parks in our city), that art may be popular without ceasing to be exquisite.
Both tourists and locals could enjoy this show at San Martín Square, surrounded by Del Libertador, Córdoba, Santa Fe, 9 de Julio Avenues and Florida Street, just like in many underground stations or shopping malls in the city. Sculptures were also displayed at Galerías Pacífico, La Recova de Posadas, the majestic Alvear Palace Hotel or the Foreign Office.
With the support of the Culture Department of the City of Buenos Aires and with a selection jury specially summoned for such task, 200 hearts were chosen among the drafts presented by all participants.
The artists and creators who undertook this challenge come from the fine arts world, aesthetic trends, painting, sculpture and design, but students and scholars who have co-existed with these teachings for years at university have also participated.
"…Sing, my heart
With an essential anchor of illusion.
Dream, my heart,
Do not let bitterness cloud your sky"
Perfect Ending on Saint Valentine’s Day The date was from August 31 through September 13 at the pavilions of
La Rural in the neighborhood of Palermo, where the selected artists materialized their drafts and turned them into real works of art.
White fiberglass hearts measuring 1.20 x 1.40 began to take shape and find sponsors here and there: big companies and institutions that wished to support this noble cause.
Martiniano Arce, Pérez Celis, Clorindo Testa, Eduardo Pla, Ana Eckell and Ernesto Pesce are some of the most outstanding artists.
The display finished on February 14, Saint Valentine’s Day. Afterwards, in March 2007, the hearts will be auctioned to the highest bidders. Having tremendous success, the most precious hearts were those made by Perez Célis, Ana Fabry and Evelyn Fuhr, sold at 10 thousand pesos each. Likewise, the heart made by jewel artist Juan Zanotti was auctioned. Made with coral, gold and diamonds, it was acquired by a purchaser who bid 25 thousand pesos.
Fundación Favaloro received a total amount of 240,000 pesos raised at the auction and destined to cover for the expenses of heart transplant procedures on patients without economical resources, to finance medical assistance and cardiovascular tests, as well as to develop prevention, research and educational programs.
"………And this heart
Gets ripped off impatience
When it hears your voice,
Poor heart,
who cannot catch its sanity…"
(Bubbles of Love -Juan Luis Guerra)