Dique Los Molinos

Dique Los Molinos Dique Los Molinos

Los Molinos Lake and Dam have given origin to a fantastic natural attraction in the Province of Córdoba. It is immersed in Calamuchita Valley and usually accessed from Villa General Belgrano along Provincial Route 5. Its most importan turban centers are Potrero de Garay and Villa Ciudad de América.

This artificial wáter body was formed on Los Molinos River in the mid twentieth century with the aim of cumulating water resources and generating energy for the entire province. The hydroelectric power station was created and human settlements appeared amidst a wild scene where nature is almost unspoiled.

Featuring various nautical activities, motorboats, kayaks and sailing boats constantly cross the waters in the imposing mountain surroundings. The undulations of the ground boast both native and introduced vegetation.

On the other hand, countless beaches of different characteristics and orientations have been formed on the lake shore. They are highly popular in the summer. Several camping sites offer plots to sleep under the stars. In addition to swimming, water ski and more appealing and fashionable sports like kitesurfing, whose sails give color to the sky on windless days.

A number of rivers and creeks descending from the area known as Pampa de Achala contribute their waters to the lake and give shape to an ample basin. Rainbow trout is caught at their mouth. Other species like silverside and carp are caught using the boat fishing modality. In all cases, limitations are quite strict as a result of the depredation that took place years ago. Catch and release fly-fishing is practiced in the area. Anglers must have all the necessary gear and the corresponding license. Local operators offer organized outings, boat rental and all kinds of equipment.

Cabins, bungalows, inns and retaurants lie on the hillsides featuring a privileged view of that huge mass of water, the surrounding green hues and the typically clear sky of Córdoba.

The pine woods lining the lakeshore, the quietness and wide range of activities offered by the mountain range are an excellent motivation to pay a visit to Los Molinos Lake and dam.

Map Dique Los Molinos

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