Things to do in Mar Azul

Select by activity type: : AllAdventureContemplative TourismFishingMountain BikeTrekkingHorse Riding

AdventureContemplative Tourism

Camping in Mar Azul

For many people, this is one of the most beautiful campsites in this country. Surrounded by pine trees and with a particular view of the sea from any point...

Contemplative TourismFishing

Fishing at Mar Azul

This is one of the best sites to fish from the shore along the entire Atlantic littoral. Its large corvinas and brótolas, as well as its pejerreyes in the winter, turn Mar Azul into an unforgettable site

AdventureMountain BikeTrekkingHorse Riding

Riding to the Querandí Lighthouse on a 4WD, ATV or on foot

A unique experience may start at Mar Azul. Never-ending and enriching, it will lead us to the lighthouse.

Tourism in Buenos Aires

The scenes contained by the Province of Buenos Aires are quite different: the countryside, mountains, large cities, lakes, the Paraná Delta and the wide array of beaches on the Atlantic coast.


Walking towards Mar de las Pampas

While in Mar Azul, vacationers may walk to Mar de las Pampas. An ideal hike for those who feel like getting away from it all.

Hotels and accommodations in Mar Azul

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