Beaches, Bathing Resorts and Style in Pinamar

"Trademarks and patents" should have been the title of this article. But it would have been totally out to choose that name. Fashion, trends and a cool look are an essential part in the life of those who spend the summer at Pinamar.

Out is Totally Forbidden

If there is a bathing resort on the Atlantic coast featuring a life philosophy and codes of its own, faithful visitors and habitúes, that is Pinamar. Here, beaches are materially dressed up with the best known national and international trademarks and this does not bother the regular visitors at all. On the contrary, year after year, thousands of tourists choose this city again not only to enjoy their vacations, but also to learn about new trends and fashion innovations, glamour and technology.

Cutting-edge digital cameras, portable computers and cell phones have paraded along these beaches before even reaching the big cities.

Kissing on the Cell Phone

In Pinamar, it would be unthinkable to see the typical summer tourist carrying an umbrella, a deck chair and, maybe, a cooler with some light snack to be enjoyed in the sunshine. Although there is beach equipment, other more sophisticated items, such as cell phones, mp3 players, digital cameras and even notebooks to be online at all times can be seen around.

  • The Atlantic coast

    The Atlantic coast

  • Its own codes and lifestyle

    Its own codes and lifestyle

  • Innovations, glamour and technology

    Innovations, glamour and technology

  • The distinction

    The distinction

Youths and adults get a strong grip on these new fashions which let them be in touch like in the bit cities even during their time away. Teenagers, who handle these codes in a fastest and more natural way, have repeated the normal routines, but now with the newest methods. Nightlife is concentrated at the usual same spot, on the corner of Bunge Street and San Martín Street (at the roundabout), but now they use their cell phone and text messages to make all arrangements.

The truth is that even though the sand and the sea used to be non-compatible with the new technologies for many people, Pinamar has proved that vacations may be perfectly mingled with the new trends.

Trademarks and Patents

Even if this is a subheading, I have indulged myself and used it. There is no doubt that trademarks and 4WD vehicles capture the eyes of all visitors. Whether national or foreign, trademarks also choose to spend their vacations at Pinamar. Some of them include Quilmes, Fernet Branca, Personal, Mitsubishi Motors, Nextel, and many others which have become habitúes at the bathing resorts in the last few years.

The three most fashionable spots featuring the newest trends have been sponsored by beer trademarks and obviously summon the largest number of young people, both during the day and at night.

Like in other places in the coast, beaches are named after trademarks. “I hang about at Quilmes”, a blonde tells a stout tanned boy to give him a hint of where to find her. If he accepts the invitation, he will know where to hang about with her amongst the large puffs and deck chairs that define the new beach scenery without the mythical huts.

Adored by fans and followers, this city has its own codes and lifestyle, just like the hundreds of trademarks that parade around its beach venues. Pinamar has become a trademark itself a long time ago. And thousands of people choose it as the most important of them all when the summer arrives.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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