Madryn`s Natural Science Museum

Madryn’s restored Oceanographic and Natural Sciences Museum rescues one of the first buildings to be raised in the city as a museologic and cultural space.

The recently restored Oceanographic and Natural Sciences Museum re opened its gates at chalet Pujol, one of the most emblematic houses in the city. Located on a privileged corner from where a beautiful panoramic sight of Puerto Madryn may be caught, the building was refurbished with a modern conception that, in addition to preserving its architectural value, shows the various pieces of its heritage.

The re-opening exhibition, “The Man and The Sea”, shows the various relations men have established with this particular ecological environment which represents all the districts that make up the Valdés Peninsula shire.
The exhibition has been organized in various rooms and ranges from the history of Madryn, paying special consideration to the Welsh immigrants, to the wide ecological diversity in the geography of Chubut.

Thus, the integration managed by these colonists with the local native peoples may be observed in this room.

  • Museologic and cultural space

    Museologic and cultural space

  • Chalet Pujol

    Chalet Pujol

  • Giant squid

    Giant squid

  • Describes the sea littoral

    Describes the sea littoral

  • Patagonian birds

    Patagonian birds

  • Particular ecological environment

    Particular ecological environment

On the other hand, a tour around the rooms displaying fish, invertebrates, sea mammals, birds and cetaceans give evidence that describes the sea littoral that outlines the eastern border of the city. This natural environment offers valuable resources exploited in this region through fishing, as far as production is concerned, and diving and wildlife mapping, as regards tourism.

Last but not least, the rooms destined to geology and botany enable visitors to have a complete panorama of the steppe and the Patagonian shore.

The Pujols’ Palace

Known as “Madryn’s Castle”, Pujol Palace was built in 1917 by pioneers Agustín Pujol and Anita Howel. Spanish Pujol arrived on the shores of Chubut in 1883 and settled down as a local merchant and supplier, where he also performed an important communal task when he built roads that joined the emerging hamlets that would later turn into Telsen and Madryn.

With a strong neoclassical style, the stairs of carved stone steps and the braces that join the ceiling and the wall stand out.

In 1971, the Pujol’s house passed onto the hands of the provincial government in order to become a museum and later be declared cultural provincial heritage.
At present, the boats that enter the gulf may still be spotted from the tower.

Autor Karina Jozami Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

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