Río Ceballos

Río Ceballos Río Ceballos - Photos: 1 y 2 Agencia Córdoba DACyT / 3 Sec.Turismo Nación

Considered as "The Heart of the Sierras Chicas", Río Ceballos is situated in the west of Colón Department, at 679 meters above sea level on the banks of Colón River. There are two ways of getting to this city from the Capital City of Córdoba: through Unquillo Route or through Pajas Blancas Route where the International Airport is located.

Río Ceballos is mainly mountaineous and has a mild dry climate that is ideal to practise water sports or enjoy contemplative tourism in one of its natural reservations where one can visit Los Hornillos, the Cascada de los Cóndores and the Salto de la Esatancia.

The Norman style of the architecture of Río Ceballos gives the city a special atmosphere. The church and the open-air amphitheatre are good examples of the ornamentation used to decorate the city.

Among some of the touristc attractions, one can find Jorge Newbery Public Walk, the Municipal Beach, La Quebrada Dam that owns a natural hydric reservation where the tourist can find species like pejerrey, ordinary carps, fresh-water fish, dientudo (Protruding teeth fish), mojarra and saurel making this place the ideal one to dive or fish.

In order to rest in an environment that is typically from Córdoba, Río Ceballos is one of the destinations that has more experience and dedication to the tourist.

Map Río Ceballos

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