Camino a Liebig s/n - a 200 mts. de Ruta 26
The Cabin has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
camino a Liebig mano derecha
The Cabin has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
2 de Abril y Yapeyú
Moreno y San José Obrero
Dr. Antelo, Villa San José
The Cabin has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
San Lorenzo 2646, Villa San José
The Cabin has outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.
Jasy (entre Pindó y Porá)
Pitanga s/n- Loteo Termal
Manzana 1 Lote 2 Predio Termal San José
Sargento García 1504
The Cabin has free Wi-Fi and Pet friendly.
A 100 mts del Complejo Termas San José
The Cabin has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
Doctor Antelo y Ramírez
The Cabin has outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
Brouchoud 632
Terminos y condiciones