Garden Festival at Villa La Angostura

Location: Gimnasio Municipal Enrique Barbagelata, Cerro Bayo y Las Frambuesas
Date: From 02/15/2018 - Thru 02/18/2018

A new issue of the National Garden Festival will be held in Villa La Angostura.

What happened with the Puyehue Volcano and its ash cannot overshadow a celebration that started in this district and has become famous not only throughout the province but also worldwide, as men can revert adversity and walk on.

Thus, the Garden Festival at Villa La Angostura has always been a celebration during which the best samples are awarded a price. It continues to be held just like when it started, when some neighbors began to gather in order to reward those who had the best gardens in the city. The perfect excuse to do such thing was to organize also a float parade, lectures, workshops and shows related to gardening and everything that makes Villa La Angostura become prettier and prettier every day.

History goes that it was 1991 when the District of Villa La Angostura and the neighbors interested in the subject began to celebrate the “Garden Festival”, declared Provincial Festival in 1997.

  • The best gardens in the city

    The best gardens in the city

  • Villa La Angostura become prettier and prettier every day

    Villa La Angostura become prettier and prettier every day

  • Tulipán


  • One of the most delightful and heroic cities

    One of the most delightful and heroic cities

  • Global impact

    Global impact

Today, those celebrations continue to live and invite both visitors and locals to “find” the most beautiful garden, obviously located inside one of the most delightful and heroic cities on the planet.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

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