Villa Pehuenia

Villa Pehuenia Villa Pehuenia - Photos: Jorge González

Lying on the North bank of Lake Aluminé, located in the center-west of the Province of Neuquén, and inhabited by the millenary monkey-puzzle tree forests that make contrast with the bluish green water mirrors and the snow-capped mountains, Villa Pehuenia lets nature untouched tell its story by itself.

The monkey-puzzle forests that grow in these lands since prehistoric times, resisting the beating of the Andean wind, gave their name to the zone. Not only does the pehuen or monkey-puzzle dominate the scenery, as a sacred, it is also part of the history and culture of the Mapuche people.

Villa Pehuenia gradually grew under its generous shade. Founded in 1989 by the provincial state in order to plan and control land holding, inhabited by five hundred scattered permanent settlers. The strong tourist impulse enables its natural privileged environment to harmonize with an increasing and varied hotel and gastronomic infrastructure, ideal for relaxing and enjoying the landscape.

Its captivating geography offers scenarios to behold, such as the Ciprés viewpoint, Piedra Negra, the Del Morro viewpoint or the Garganta del Puma or to experiment a kayak adventure or sport fishing in lakes Aluminé, Moquehue, Ñorquinco and Pulmarí, apart from horseriding, climbing, hunting excursions, hiking along paths that get in the hearts of forests and mountains.

In the winter, the snowy park of the Batea Mahuida Mount, within the territories of the mapuche Puel group, is an invitation to enjoy alpine ski and snowmobile rides, apart from exposing the cultural richness of the community, expressed mainly in their handcrafts and typical dishes.

The weather is humid, template and fresh, with temperatures that range between 20º and 30º C in the summertime, descending up to 5º to 0º C at night. During the winter season, temperatures below zero whiten the scenery, covering the whole area with snow.

To reach this site located 1,608 kilometers from Buenos Aires, take National Routes 5, 35, 153, 143, then Provincial Route 20 in La Pampa and then National Routes 151, 22, 40 and Provincial Route 13.

It can also be reached by plane, landing on the airports located in the city of Neuquén or in Zapala and San Martín de los Andes.

From the capital city of Neuquén, located 300 kilometers from Villa Pehuenia, access is managed through National Routes 22 and 40 and along Provincial Route 13. In the winter season, it is advisable to take Provincial Routes 46, 23 y 13 after route 40, making the distance a little bit longer: 386 kilometers.

Peaceful Patagonian nook, Villa Pehuenia entraps the wild charm of the mountain range.

Map Villa Pehuenia

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