Sport Fishing in Villa Pehuenia

Fishing is an activity you can do in almost all the waters in this district, which offer the possibility to visit any of its eleven lakes, many of which offer good catching possibilities.

It is strictly regulated in the area of the National Park and the three Reserve areas: lake Ñorquinco, Ruca Choroi and Quillén.

You can practise different fishing styles. We highly recommend fly fishing many timed determined in the Reglamento de Pesca Continental Patagònica, mainly in Lake Pulmarì and lake Quillèn. You can angle from the banks or from fishing rafts, for what river Aluminé is specially apt.

The diversity and quality of these environments, where highly qualified species such as Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, and Brook Trout live, guaranteefull activity journeys within an environment of beauty and tranquility. Other modes permitted are trolling and spinning, for which you must get an additional permit for preferential areas.

  • Rivers ideal for sport fishing

    Rivers ideal for sport fishing

  • We highly recommend fly fishing

    We highly recommend fly fishing

  • The diversity and quality of these environments

    The diversity and quality of these environments

  • An environment of beauty and tranquility

    An environment of beauty and tranquility

You may buy permits in: Delegación de Bosques Fauna y Parques Provinciales, Dirección de Turismo, shops.
We recommend that you do these outings with professional fishing guides.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

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