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Argentine Wines


Texts: Marcelo Sola, Cristina Bozzoli - Photos: Palmiro Bedeschi

uying wine basically means knowing how to choose the wine according to each person's taste and purchasing it at the best price in the market. Here we provide some tips to bear in mind, which will enable you to buy wine according to your needs and to the occasion.
If you wish to buy wine for a party or meeting to which several guests will be attending, the ideal thing to do is to contact a wine wholesaler who may offer a discount on the amount of wine purchase. As well, you may get the bottles in consignment and pay only for what is consumed and return the rest.
If you are searching to buy only some bottles, the local grocer's or the supermarket may be the correct choice. Remember that you can generally find special rates for wines when wineries launch a new product.
Now, if you are looking for a wine to drink on that special occasion, you had better buy it at a wine shop. Qualified staff will assist you on your search and provide information aging periods, temperature at the moment of consumption and what dishes match each wine. Furthermore, you can be sure the wine bought at a wine shop has not experienced any abrupt changes, that it has rested in a place where humidity was carefully controlled and has not been exposed to strong light or other factors that might change its original composition.


Avoid bottles that have been standing (during several months).
Do not buy bottles which cork outstands.
Do not choose bottles in which the level of the liquid is lower than normal (3 cm from neck).
Avoid buying bottles that have been exposed to the sun.

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