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Argentine Wines


Texts: Marcelo Sola, Cristina Bozzoli - Photos: Palmiro Bedeschi

Pinot Noir
This is one of the grapes that make up the blend of most French champagne.
Originally grown in the area of Bourgogne, France, Pinot Noir produces extremely soft, fresh and fruity wines, with a very good bouquet, an acidity that makes it quite vivid and persistent in the palate without being aggressive. Besides, its color is pale though attractive, varying from a soft red when it is young to an orange shade after having been aged from 8 to 10 years.
As this grape requires cold weather to manage good results, in our country, very good products are being obtained in the Valley of Uco in Mendoza and in the Valley of the Neuquén River in Patagonia. This wine is exported or used to make sparkling wines.

Cluster: medium, compact and elongated
Grapes: small, slightly ovoid. They have soft thin skin and much coloring matter.
Ripeness: requires long maturation in fresh weather

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