As sport fishing has become more popular over the last years, certain spots in the Limay River are commonly known among fishing enthusiasts by word of mouth.
It has a gradient of approximately 1 meter per kilometer and its fast waters provide excellent oxygenation for fish to put on weight.
A fishing day starts very early when the sun gets higher on the horizon and there is a cold chill in the air. Anglers should arrive at the spot with the whole equipment available (in their vests, waders, pockets, etc.), since once in the water and with a trout at sight, it is impossible for them to return to the lakeshore and fetch the missing item.
Other access points are located in private lands (estancias) and permission is required to avoid trespass. El Pantanito and La Picaza are very popular areas. The former is 11 kilometers away from Picún Leufú and it is at the end of the season when anglers can fish the best brown trouts. Ten kilometers southwards, through La Picaza, anglers can find one of the most precious bends in this river, which is easily accessible.
Several sections of the Limay Medio have forested shores and willows abound. These are ideal spots for a rest after either getting on board a motorboat or wading the river.
Expert anglers may certainly give advice about fishing spots and proper equipment. However, when they talk about the size of trout caught in this area, their arms stretch out so wide that they reveal their fanciful minds in this respect. Plenty of jokes confirm this rumor.
Rainbow and brown trout, smallmouth perch, Argentinian silverside, catfish and ten spotted live-bearer are some of the species that Limay offers after fighting with hooks, rods and reels. Water conditions, outdoor temperature and anglers’ skill are variables for catching good specimens.
Experts recommend 6’ or 7’ Tip Flex rods, shooting heads and dry flies to fish in the Limay Medio. Irresistible and Yellow Humpy, Goodard Caddis, Sparkle Dun, Madame X are the usual dry flies used, like the ones resembling giant grasshoppers. Streamer flies Rabbit Wolly Bugger, Matukas and Marabou Muddler (between 2 and 6) with green olive, chestnut or black wool and pearl tones and orange color on their head are also commonly used.
Proper equipment, patience and good advice are essential to ensure an outstanding sport fishing trip in the Limay Medio.