Excellent Patagonian Fishing Environments

Lonely roads, viewpoints, rivers and woods are some of the charms that await on the way to famed fishing environments where fighting large trout may be caught..

Esquel was our main destination during our vacations in southern Argentina. While staying there, we went on a tour around one of the wildest and most beautiful fishing environments known as an angling paradise.

Very early in the morning, we got our fishing gear and warm clothes in the car and set out enthusiastically. We took Route 250 southwards and went through magnificent scenes until we reached our target. We found viewpoints, rivers and thick woods and then got to Trevelín. At that spot, we continued traveling along Provincial Route 17, and at the 19th kilometer marker, we headed for Lake Rosario.

Enclosed by the Colorada and La Grasa Mountain Ranges, there is a small native hamlet on the lakeshore. It includes a police station, a school and a store. Mapuche handwoven items were the main attraction during our visit.

Going on southwards, we came to Corcovado, a district whose basic activities are cattle-raising and forestry. At this spot, there is a crossroads and one of these roads leads to the international pass onto Chile through the Districts of Carrenleufú and Palena. It also leads to the road to Lake Vintter and Tecka, going through the steppe.

  • Laguna Rosario

    Laguna Rosario

  • On the lakeshore

    On the lakeshore

  • Lago Vintter

    Lago Vintter

  • Corcovado river

    Corcovado river

Both Lake Vintter and the Corcovado River are highly praised as fishing environments. Lovers of the salmonidae species dwelling in these water bodies come along from all round the world. A typical example is a huge 17-kilo and almost 1-meter-long trout specimen displayed in the rooms of Rucu Leufú Inn, which had been caught in the proximity years before.

The lake crosses the border onto Chilean territory, where it is known as Palena. It features a deep blue hue and is usually invaded by huge waves resulting from the local winds. The beaches are made of pebbles and its northern margin is covered by woods. Anglers usually camp in this area, bringing along the illusion to manage a good catch.

After having traveled 140 kilometers, our destination was Estancia Lago Vintter a wonderful site where it is possible to spend some days in contact with nature. Crystal-clear and huge, the Vintter goes across the Andes and becomes the source of the Corcovado River, which finally ends in the Pacific Ocean.

Long chats about fontinalis and rainbow trout turned the end of the day into a good excuse to have dinner with friends. The following day, we got up early again to try and get some fish to take the bait as well as reaffirm we had gone around one of the best-known and most important Patagonian fishing environments.

Autor Mónica Pons Fotografo Gentileza Esquel.tur.ar

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