Gualeguay - 1 y 3 : Jorge González / 2 : Secr. de Turismo de la Nación Argentina Head city of the homonimous Department, Gualeguay is located in the central southern area of Entre Ríos Province on the left verge of Uruguay River immersed in a landscape with a slight steep slope from the northeast to the southeast at only 10 meters above sea level.
The climate of this region of the country is humid tempate from the plains. The annual average temperature is 18ºC ranging from 26ºC in January to 11ºC in July. It is important to mention that the Seasons are not thermally well- defined and the changes in the climate are abrupt- there are temperatures of 7º and 8ºC in Summer and 31º and 32ºC in Winter.
The city is 220 km away from the Provincial Capital City -Paraná- and you can get to it through Nº12 and 14 National Routes or 11 and 16 Provincial Routes.
Due to the fact that there are peaceful landscapes in the surroundings, Gualeguay is the typical touristic center. The coast of the river is ideal to practise water sports, water activities and sport fishing catching big pieces of surubí and dorado fish mostly in the areas of Ruiz and Pellegrini Ports.
In Gualeguay, you can visit parks and squares where activities like shows, festivals, educating campings and walks take place. The most important parks and squares are Intendente Quintana Park, Intendente Pezzutti Park, Constitución Square and San Martín Square.
In Summertime, the city dresses up to celebrate the joy of the sun and the river. The outstanding beaches are "Río del Sol" and "Alonso", long beaches with vegetation where you can play games.
Only a few kilometers away from the city, you can visit Ibicuy Town in the area of the Delta of Paraná River. Natural landscapes, woods, brooks and channels make up a view that deserves enjoying in peace and intimate contact with nature.
To round up, you cannot miss the Carnivals of Gualeguay in January and February - a show of creativity and fantasy where the beauty of the women from Entre Ríos is highlighted together with the rythm of colourful processions along the local Corsódromo.