Villa Alpina

Villa Alpina Villa Alpina

Calamuchita Valley is characterized by being nestled in a mountain range area of extreme beauty containing water bodies that provide countless reasons to pay a visit. Villa Alpina is one of the highest villages. Located at the foot of the Big Mountains of Cordoba, it is accessed through Villa General Belgrano after traveling 30 kilometers along a winding road featuring very amusing slopes.

The origins of this village date back to the 1950s, with the arrival of German families who discovered scenes resembling the Alps. They settled down their summer houses at this location. As they planted various specimens in the area, today there are large conifer forests.

Mountain activities lure many people. Adventure travel tours offer the chance to reach some station at Mount Champaquí, the highest in the area. These are done either on foot or on horseback and at the end of the circuit, the reward is completely worth the effort.

There are simpler tours such as a visit to an old mica mine. This miner al has been highly appreciated for its quality as electric insulator. Besides, lower hills like La Mesilla and Negro can also be climbed.

There are several swim holes with transparent shallow waters. Some of them lie on Los Reartes Rivers, which crosses the center of the town. Others lie on La Puente and Pozo Verde Creeks.

The stable population is small but the number of visitors increases this number significantly during the high season. The downtown area offers a shelter, bungalows, as well as accommodation in local estancias and cabins in the rural zone. There are also tea houses serving European specialties.

Though it offers less service options than its neighbors, Villa Alpina is certainly a haven amidst the most beautiful mountains in Córdoba.

Map Villa Alpina

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