Puerto Madryn Ecological Center

On one of the shores of the Nuevo Gulf, the Ecocentro House invites visitors to find and see the sea in a different way.

Sunset is the ideal moment to visit Ecocentro Puerto Madryn, only 5 minutes from the city and opposite the sea.

The building, whose architectural style reminds us of the Welsh immigrants, is strategically located on a cliff and looks like a large vantage point into the sea. But not only because it allows visitors to behold it from the large windows but also because each room of the venue shows something about the fascinating sea world.

In order to learn more about this interesting undertaking, I was being expected by María Elena Lizurume, who is in charge of cultural programs. First, she commented that the Ecocentro was inaugurated in 2000 and that it was created as a result of the interests of a group of naturalists and scientists tightly related to the Valdés Peninsula area.

  • See the sea in a different way

    See the sea in a different way

  • Southern Right Whale

    Southern Right Whale

  • Located on a cliff

    Located on a cliff

  • A great space

    A great space

  • The fascinating sea world

    The fascinating sea world

The main fosterer was Alfredo Lichter and he was joined by Claudio Campagna in order to develop the initial project, which was essentially scientific and cultural and devoted to the observation and interpretation of sea ecosystems.

Without the guided visits typical of conservative museums, María Elena showed me around the various rooms. The tour included sound settings, photographs, posters and animal reproductions.
I learnt about the characteristics of the sea currents, varieties of algae, the behavior of whales and the differences among seals, sea lions and elephant seals.

Furthermore, in one end of the hall, next to another large window, lies the large pool that shelters small invertebrates.

As a cultural space, the Ecocentro presents itinerant exhibitions from the Fine Arts Museum and organizes various cultural and educational events addressed to the community. Some of them are the program sponsored by the Aluar metallurgical factory and the educational program for the schools located in the Province of Chubut (free of charge).

Autor Karina Jozami Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

Contact of the excursion or tour

Ecocentro Puerto Madryn

Julio Verne 3784, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Agentina

Cell phone Cell phone: +54 280-4883176

Opening hoursOpening hours: Everyday from 10am to 7pm.
How to get hereHow to get here: Go along the waterfront Alte. Brown Boulevard and, after passing the monument to the Tehuelche Indian, take the first street on the right, where you will come to the entrance of the building.
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